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In 2024, the Yellowknife Community Foundation disbursed over $240,000 in 32 grants from 19 funds, as follows:

Fund Grantee Website Project Amount
100 Knifers Flow-Through Fund Ecology North Purchase of a refrigerator for various food-related programs, including the Waste Reduction Week "Zero Waste" pickling event. In 2025, this grant will continue to be used to run a free winter biking workshop, co-host a clothing swap, and organize another exciting Earth Week celebration at the end of April. $7,350.00
100 Knifers Flow-Through Fund Yellowknife Historical Society Installing barrier-free access to the Yellowknife Historical Museum. $7,575.00
100 Knifers Flow-Through Fund Yellowknife Seniors Society Continued programming, including Lunch with a Bunch (over 3120 meals served!), exercise classes for 1560 total attendees, and computer classes for 30 seniors in partnership with the NWT Literacy Council. $8,325.00
100 Knifers Flow-Through Fund Yellowknife Women's Society Purchasing commercial grade washers and dryers for the Women's Centre. $8,000.00
Albert Hall Seniors Enhancement Fund Avens - A Community for Seniors Seniors in the Community - A series of outings for AVENS residents. Proposed events: NACC, Movie Theatre, Javaroma, Folk on the Rocks. $3,000.00
Barb Bromley Fund for Seniors and Elders Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories Let’s Sing Program - Ten weeks of 90 minute choral lessons for seniors with dementia. $3,200.00
Barb Bromley Fund for Seniors and Elders Folk On The Rocks Warm The Rocks AVENS - A music event for seniors at AVENS Manor featuring artists from the 2025 FOTR lineup. $2,500.00
Barb Bromley Fund for Seniors and Elders Yellowknife Seniors Society Minds and Motion - 6 weeks of hour-long group fitness games and activities for seniors and their families. $1,300.00
Chris Argue Memorial Fund Elaine Weng Adaptive paddling experience. $1,500.00
Community Impact Fund - Community Enrichment Dechinta Initiatives An exhibition and workshop series showcasing diverse artistic practices inspired by relationships with the land, prioritizing Indigenous emerging artists and Elders. $20,000.00
Community Impact Fund - Community Enrichment Habitat for Humanity Northwest Territories Support to build 2 duplexes (for 4 families). The affordable home ownership model allows families who lack the cash for a down payment to contribute 500 volunteer hours instead. $15,000.00
Community Impact Fund - Community Enrichment YWCA NWT Additional staffing support, and program supplies to support women and their children at Lynn’s Place second stage housing. $15,000.00
Community Impact Fund - Community Enrichment Makerspace YK Tiered training and mentorship opportunities, offering workshops and courses in woodworking and digital fabrication for various skill levels. $15,000.00
Community Impact Fund - Organizational Capacity Yellowknife Women's Society Sending one management staff member to participate in the Northern Leadership Development Program (NLDP) through Aurora College. $5,000.00
Community Impact Fund - Organizational Capacity Folk On The Rocks Board Development and Governance Training. $5,000.00
Community Impact Fund - Organizational Capacity Western Arctic Moving Pictures Policy development learning opportunities for WAMP board and staff members. $5,000.00
Elliot Michael Brown Fund Marie Auger Acquisition of a dough laminator to increase production for her business, Bush Order Provisions. $5,000.00
Eva Henderson Memorial Fund Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories Care Partner & Family Support Groups - Twice monthly support group sessions for care partners and families of seniors with dementia. $2,000.00
Gary Robinson Memorial Fund Supporting Wellbeing - Makeway Charitable Society Supporting Wellbeing On The Land - A training program that provides tools and resources for people who deliver land-based programming. $8,000.00
Get Her Elected Equal Voice Foundation Equal Voice NWT Chapter $2,000.00
Gladys and Albert Eggenberger Agricultural Fund Hay River Community Garden Society The Collective Chicken Coop - Expanding the Hay River community garden site to include a Collective Chicken Coop. $12,000.00
Helen and John Parker Community Fund Northern Arts and Cultural Centre NACC 40th Anniversary- Volunteer and artists development - Promoting appreciation and involvement in the arts among volunteers, youth, and community members. $12,000.00
Holy Family Lutheran Legacy Fund YWCA NWT Food Security Program for Vulnerable Yellowknife Families in Transitional & Emergency Housing - Providing fresh groceries and grocery gift cards. $10,000.00
Mary Beth Miller Memorial Fund Effie Lockhart Nordic Sports Competitions - The Calforex Cup Races and Canadian Biathlon National Championships. $1,000.00
Maureen Tonge 'Living Your Legacy' Fund Northern Youth Leadership - MakeWay Charitable Society Youth "Connecting On the Land in Denendeh" (COLD) Forum - A week-long on-the-land camp hosting 21 youth participants. $3,500.00
NWT Mining Heritage Centre Fund Yellowknife Historical Society Support the ongoing operation and maintenance of the Centre as well as improvements to the Centre and its displays. $1,000.00
Resilient Communities Fund Charter Community of K'asho Got'ine / Fort Good Hope Emergency Management Training: community training to increase community resilience in the face of crises. $15,000.00
Resilient Communities Fund West Point First Nation Traditional Camps: Restoration of West Point First Nation's Traditional Camps, promoting healing, cultural reconnection, and well-being. $15,000.00
Resilient Communities Fund Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation (Kakisa) Housing resilience. $15,000.00
Resilient Communities Fund Behchoko Emergency plan revision and staff training. $13,000.00
Sharon Morrison Memorial Indigenous Education Fund MakeWay Charitable Society - Dene Nahjo Hide Tanning Mentorship Camp. $3,000.00
Walter Gibbins Memorial Fund Yellowknife Historical Society Maintenance of the Walter Gibbins mineral collection and the display cases used to house the collection, as well as for geological education in the NWT. $1,500.00
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